Upwork Profile Example In 2021 Free Sample For Beginners

You can use the website to show your skills in building websites, graphic design, SEO knowledge. In addition, you can give reassurance to clients by presenting a story of your skillset. Most of the content writers have additional skills in WordPress and Copywriting. You can create different portfolios in these categories to show them how multitalented you are.

You can invite anyone to write a testimonial for your profile. People are 85 percent more likely to buy a product after viewing a product video. Just log in to the client-side and search for “Josh”. Obviously, there are thousands of Josh’s on the platform, but this guy, Josh Tuper, is always the first result .

Danny Margulies, Writer  –  $200,000+ Earned

Petro also includes a date in the overview that notes when it was last updated. This date tells potential clients that the freelancer is active and available on the platform.

For example, the platform’s proprietary algorithm might use these keywords to suggest your profile to prospective clients looking in that direction. When you submit an Upwork proposal for a job, clients see a few things before clicking your profile. And they can use this to “archive” you , “short-list” you , or click to view your whole profile to read more or invite you to interview . Most people do this at the very start of their profile. You need to catch the reader’s attention first by talking about them and their needs, or showing what you’ve done for past clients . To help you write your own overview for Upwork, I’m going to share 3 of the best Upwork profile examples to land jobs .

Professional Overview for WordPress Developer

Your profile won’t sprout up without a decent-looking portfolio. It will help you win more jobs and potential clients on Upwork. Notice in the examples below that I’ve been focusing on the profile texts and generally removed the rest since that’s what clients tend to focus on in my experience. I’ve also removed or blurred out the names and pictures of each freelancer in respect for their privacy.

A good portfolio will help your portfolio be more eminent than other profiles. Once, you get splendid reviews and ratings on your profile. An optimized job title would help you stand out on Upwork.

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