IT Consulting Hourly Rates in 2022 By Country, Industry and Specialization

Start by defining very clear responsibilities of what each part is required to do and what the expectations are. And when a client asks additional questions or for help that is outside the scope of the engagement offer to provide them with another proposal to help them with that separate work. I challenge you to take what you’ve learned here to make your consulting business better. And the same amount of consultants (80%) are actively looking to increase their fees. 75.15% of consultants we polled are male, and 25.8% are female.

Сonsulting companies usually have deep domain industry experience. Average IT consulting industry rates range between $50-250/h, depending on the consultant’s tech expertise and location. Their hourly IT consulting rates start from $75 and go up to $175. The average project costs range from $10,000 to $500,000. Average IT consulting rates of those companies range between $250-$850/h, depending on the consultant’s tech expertise, location, skills, and so on. Enterprise companies offer first-class development and consulting services that cover a wide range of industries. They interact with the government and work with Fortune Global 500 companies that can afford their rates that start from $500,000 to $100 million and up for the project.

What Is Digital Consulting, and How Do You Start?

Let’s dive into our first consulting fee formula, which is an easy option for beginners. Salaries for the C++ technology are £57.500 on average. Hire the matching development team and understand how to implement their ideas into life. They also have great communication skills and often take responsibility for managing the development team. You may not require expert advice at all stages, but they are still included in IT consulting prices. IT consultants work in almost every industry and have extensive domain knowledge . It’s also a good idea to look at their portfolio on their website or read reviews on Clutch or GoodFirms to ensure you’ll get a good service.

Is Deloitte or Grant Thornton better?

Deloitte scored higher in 9 areas: Overall Rating, Culture & Values, Diversity & Inclusion, Senior Management, Compensation & Benefits, Career Opportunities, CEO Approval, Recommend to a friend and Positive Business Outlook. Grant Thornton scored higher in 1 area: Work-life balance.

As an entrepreneur and consultant, you’ll be paying for your own benefits, buying your own computer and workspace, and no one will be paying you to go on vacation. You’ll also spend at least half your time tracking down new clients rather than working billable hours. 3.04% of consultants are not interested in monthly/retainer-based work. 41.44% of consultants don’t have any retainer-based work, but would like to. 33% of consultants will lower their fees in order to win clients.

Weekend and Holiday Support

We have an in-depth article describing major types of appraisement.

Remember that consulting rates shouldn’t be a decision you make on the fly. You need to account for your income goals, expenses, and the time you want to spend working with clients, but also for the value you provide your consulting clients. For example, if you’re a data science consultant who’s helping clients understand their data better, there are several ways your services can improve their bottom line.


If your consulting services can help clients make bank, they should pay you more. However, keep in mind that you’re in charge of your own consulting business. If you don’t agree with a company’s payment terms, you don’t have to sign a contract with them. Many consultants don’t start their work until they’ve received at least a percentage of the payment upfront. Maybe you create websites or develop marketing plans — no matter what you do, you’re bound to get better at it the more you do it.

The global IT consulting market was valued at $53.7 billion in 2020, and it’s expected to reach $383 billion by 2026. The growing adoption of technological trends and ever-rising investment in advanced technologies will increase the demand for IT consulting.

What are the industry rates for IT consulting?

It’s natural to dislike the process of setting your consulting rates, but you shouldn’t have to give up money or sleep because of it. With a bit of know-how and practice, you can become confident in your value as a consultant and ensure your pricing reflects that. Knowing how much to charge for your consulting fees is just half the battle. Now, it’s time to learn how to communicate your prices with clarity and confidence. However, if you set your rates too high, you may alienate yourself from the client and out price yourself out of the project.

Europe maintains its third-place position in the global IT consulting market. The European consulting market’s growth is defined by rapid investments in development programs and government support. In 2020, the global IT consulting market was valued at $53.7 billion, and it is expected to grow to $383 billion by 2026.

Consulting Fees: How Much Should You Charge as a Consultant?

This tip goes beyond value, the scope of work, and client perceptions—you have to set prices that’ll lead to adequate quality of life and profitability for your business. The scope of work should be a large determinant of your rates, but pricing per hour or project is challenging to estimate. For example, it may be quicker for you to write a 2,000-word article for a company than to help produce a 5-minute podcast episode. Charging per hour definitely has its benefits, but there is one definite downside to this fee structure — the better you get at your job, the less you make. As you become more efficient and faster at the work you do, you’ll actually be penalized for your expertise. That number can be as high or as low as those parties accept. If you’re a business consultant who wants to make $10,000 a day and you find a client who is willing to pay $10,000 a day, you’ve just determined the “value” of your service.

Which is better EY or Grant Thornton?

EY scored higher in 4 areas: Diversity & Inclusion, Career Opportunities, Recommend to a friend and Positive Business Outlook. Grant Thornton scored higher in 3 areas: Work-life balance, Senior Management and CEO Approval. Both tied in 3 areas: Overall Rating, Culture & Values and Compensation & Benefits.

Our Momentum program is for newer consultants who want to follow a step-by-step system to predictably and reliably get to 6-figures per year or more. The majority of consultants we polled (29.47%) are years old. We always ask our list of consultants to tell us about other aspects of their business. Consulting is known to be a high profit-margin business — and the data supports that. Recurring revenue can provide a higher sense of security because you know you have predictable income coming in each month. 28.33% use value-based pricing on some of their projects.

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