DevOps Team Structure BMC Software Blogs

They are integrated to be able to brainstorm solutions that are being tested in a production-like environment. The operations team is then able to focus on what they’re really good at, which is analyzing the production environment and being able to get feedback to the developers on what is successful. The DevOps engineer is usually a “jack of all trades” who has knowledge and experience with both development and operations. The role requires an individual who can adapt to new technologies and is willing to embrace new challenges in development, such as cloud infrastructure. Probably the most popular approach to building a DevOps team is to “embed” the DevOps team within a larger team. The larger team is usually either the software development or IT operations team.

Managers don’t often grasp that incorrect team composition is often the cause of failure. Throughout the board, team designers should look for a cross-functional blend of expertise and talent. If your team uses Github, you can learn more about this Github integration to see how to set this up for your team. When we talk about bringing teams to work together, that’s on the People pillar. Breaking the routine of going to the same office as the rest of your team can be tricky and requires a strong distributed team, the right tools, and lots of training.

DevOps Outsourcing

They sit together and act as a mini-startup, incorporating every component required to support a service throughout its lifecycle. Another ingredient for success is a leader willing to evangelize DevOps to a team, collaborative teams, and the organization at large. This setup allows for frequent and collaborative communication and frequent releases from the teams. Not only that, but because each team owns a certain aspect of the project, there is code ownership for any defects, maintenance, and fixes that are required.

Is Azure DevOps going away?

It's unlikely that Azure DevOps is going away in short to medium-term. It remains an integral part of the development community. GitHub, which is expected to replace Azure DevOps eventually, still lacks key features. Plus, Microsoft continues to plan and implement regular updates to the platform.

Bringing about change is a leader’s job and the most important task of the DevOps evangelist is to lead the change. The goal for a “DevOps Team” should be to put itself out of business by enabling the rest of the org. We likely all know this topology is bad, but I think there are actually worse topologies; at least with Anti-Type A , we know there is a problem. The book goes significantly beyond the DevOps Topologies material to cover team interaction patterns, Conway’s Law, cognitive load, and dynamic organization evolution. There are two main reasons why it’s often hard to structure a DevOps team.


And there is nothing worse for the final result and working process than unproductive and inconsistent employees. However, with a high-performing DevOps approach, it is easier to improve worker experience at a big or small organization. A DevOps team is more focused on the process than on the end goal, which helps derive more joy and content in their development jobs. And when your team is happy, it offers the prospect of retention rates and motivates other bright minds to cross their paths with your business. Thus, we bring together the operator and developer teams into a single team to provide a way of seamless collaboration.

  • He or she should be able to automatically deploy updates and fixes into the prod environment.
  • Continuous delivery is a development practice where the created software can be released to production at any time.
  • DevOps teams are ideally led by a senior member of the organization who knows business processes, has the technical expertise, and interacts with all employees.
  • The Ops engineers now get to call themselves SREs but little else has changed.
  • It’s an important role which stays in collaboration with the development team from the very beginning of the project.
  • DevOps team structure plays a crucial role in fully leveraging DevOps benefits.

The SRE team works similarly to what the operations team does, but the way SRE does it is quite different. The development team usually provides the SRE team with logs and other artifacts to show that their software meets the standard. The two teams collaborate on operational criteria and the SREs can ask developers to improve their code before it goes into production. After building an environment based on DevOps practices and a solid team structure, organizations cannot sit back and expect to see positive results. Therefore, organizations must continuously measure the effectiveness of their DevOps team structure, roles, and environment. Adopting practices such as continuous integration and continuous delivery is key in enabling DevOps within organizations. However, organizations cannot adopt these practices without building a DevOps team structure that facilitates these practices and other aspects of DevOps culture.

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